#73 | Leading as a newcomer, Wojciech Duda, Senior Engineering Manager @ Zalando

#73 | Leading as a newcomer, Wojciech Duda, Senior Engineering Manager @ Zalando

Show notes

Today we host the great Wojciech Duda, an experienced engineering leader currently with Zalando, to dive deep into what it is like joining a company as a new Engineering Lead with an already existing team.

We then get into Wojciech's perspective on hiring practices in tech, where he shares his preference for interactive systems design exercises over traditional take-home coding assignments, emphasizing the comprehensive evaluation of a candidate's technical and collaborative skills. Addressing the evolving hiring landscape, We discuss how the market's emphasis has shifted towards valuing soft skills and a product-oriented mindset among software engineers, reflecting broader industry trends and the post-COVID hiring environment.

Wojciech offers his insights into the Berlin tech scene, noting a general wariness among engineers about changing jobs amidst market fluctuations, while also acknowledging the industry's resilience in absorbing talent during layoffs. Concluding the conversation, Wojciech articulates his career aspirations within Solando, aiming to foster operational excellence and drive value creation through effective team leadership and strategic alignment with organizational goals.

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